Halfway to a Miracle

Shamans are OP Well, THOSE shamans are OP.  Man, I'd totally jive with an Old God if I could be that OP too.

Shamans are OP
Well, THOSE shamans are OP. Man, I’d totally jive with an Old God if I could be that OP too.

I don’t really have a whole lot of screenshots of the Nazgrim fight, on either flex or normal.  My memory of both is crystal clear despite that, so I can tell you with 100% accuracy that I set a new guild record for deaths in a single fight during the flex run.  It was like, ADDS OGOD down went the dinky, derpy shaman!  BUT SHE WAS NOT DEFEATED.  Reincarnation!  WAIT WHAT THE HELL HIT ME down she went again!  But the guildies got her covered, so she’s up to fight once more with a Soulstone!  But HOLY CRAP ADDS and she’s down yet again!  After that, they had to leave me on the floor there.

So it was something of a miracle when this occurred in normal:

Whoa, Holy Crap I'M STANDING ON MY FEET HOLY SMOKES (And yes, I got gold on both rolls.  Can't have it all, I suppose.)

Whoa, Holy Crap
(And yes, I got gold on both rolls. Can’t have it all, I suppose.)

Yeah, it took me a minute to realize he was dead, so I was still mashing buttons like hell for a couple seconds afterwards.  Upon figuring out that the fight was over, my train of thought was something like this:





I know, I think real hard when reacting instinctively.

Nazgrim Is Daed AND I AM NOT

Nazgrim Is Daed

So while everybody else was mourning deep mourns for an NPC with a long and respected career, there was a goblin experiencing zero grief who was just barely resisting the urge to dance because she was alive and she could.

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